
Union for International Cancer Control (UICC)

31-33 Avenue Giuseppe Motta
1202 Geneva

Kontaktperson: Melissa Isles

+41 (0) 22 809 1811; +41 (0) 22 809 1833
+41 (0) 22 809 1810


  • Bildungspolitik/-projekt
  • Sozialpolitik/behinderte Menschen

Über uns

Founded in 1933, the Union for International Cancer Control (UICC) is the largest cancer fighting organisation of its kind, with more than 400 member organisations across 120 countries.

With its headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland, it is the leading non-governmental, non-profit, non-political and non-sectorian cancer organisation. UICC’s mission is to eliminate cancer as a life-threatening disease for future generations.

UICC is committed to delivering the targets of the World Cancer Declaration through strategic partnerships involving members and other institutions interested in fighting cancer.

Together we aim to save millions of lives by focusing on what needs to be done by taking the lead in:
• Raising awareness and education
• Global network of influence
• Taking action where it matters.

The current global programmes include:
• My Child Matters which addresses childhood cancer,
• the Capacity Building Fund, which helps resource- constrained countries improve their cancer control capabilities,
• the Cervical Cancer Initiative, helping to fight cervical cancer globally,
• GAPRI (Global Access to Pain Relief Initiative) which seeks to deliver effective pain relief to those in need.

UICC launched the campaign “Cancer can be prevented too”, focussing on how the risk of developing cancer can significantly be reduced through simple measures: Stop tobacco use and avoid exposure to second-hand smoke; Limit alcohol consumption; Avoid excessive sun exposure; Maintain a healthy weight, through eating healthily and exercising regularly; Protect against cancer-causing infections.

Capacity-building fund: The fund provides support to voluntary organization members in resource-constrained countries to deliver community-based education and information-dissemination projects that are able to demonstrate long-term sustainability.

Fellowships: The Fellowships Programme is a core activity of UICC and currently administers five international fellowships and plays a major role in the Organisation's mission and vision. The fellowships provide opportunities for professional development for cancer investigators, clinicians, nurses, and cancer society staff and volunteers.

UICC is also responsible for coordinating World Cancer Day, International Cancer Fellowships, the World Cancer Leaders’ Summit and the World Cancer Congress.

Melissa Isles works in the headquarter of UICC in Geneva.

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