Netzkraft Movement

Island Conservation Society (ICS)

PO Box 775, Pointe Larue

Contact person: Jeanine Grandcourt

+248 37 53 54
+248 37 63 41


  • Environmental organization
  • Environmental project
  • Educational policy/project
  • Volunteers are welcome.

About us

The Island Conservation Society (also known as Fondation pour la Conservation des Iles in French and Sosyete pour Konservasyon bann Zil in Creole) was legally registered as an NGO in Seychelles on 10th April 2001 under the Associations Registration Act.

The Society promotes the conservation and restoration of island ecosystems, sustainable development of islands, and awareness of their vulnerability and vital importance to the planet`s biodiversity.

The areas of activity may include:
• The preservation, restoration and enhancement of island ecosystems and associated marine environment, the protection of their natural and cultural assets, with particular reference to all the outer islands of Seychelles and the smaller granitic islands.
• The sustainable management of islands based on integrated coastal management, conservation programmes and other non-intrusive, non-damaging activities such as ecotourism, through agreements with owners, lease or direct ownership.
• The development of public awareness regarding the biodiversity value of Seychelles islands through publications, lectures, papers and other means.
• The establishment of a multi-disciplinary group of persons with expertise in all aspects of the natural sciences and conservation management, history and cultural heritage of islands.
• The development of local community participation in conservation and other activities which promote sustainable development, gender balance and equitable access to resources.
• Raising and disbursing funds for research and implementation of programmes to further the goal of the Society.
• The maintenance of information databases to assist those engaged in research concerning the islands of Seychelles.
• The development of educational facilities consistent with the goal of the Society.
• The development of international co-operation to exchange experience, expertise and information with other organisations that share similar objectives.
• The development of national and international awareness on the vulnerability and vital importance of islands to the preservation of the planet`s biodiversity.

• Island Rehabilitation Project
• Support to the Seychelles White-eye Recovery Programme
• Conservation Centres
• Publications
• Aride Island Nature Reserve
• Outer islands

• Seychelles White-eye Project
• FFEM Project: This project rehabilitated and enhanced several islands for the maintenance of native biodiversity in Seychelles through eradication of introduced predator species, rehabilitation of habitats and reintroduction of rare or threatened species.
• Installing mooring and demarcation buoys around Aride

Jeanine Grandcourt is the CEO of Island Conservation Society.

For other net participants we can offer an expert guidance through trained staff, give an expert opinion, procure expert information and establish new contacts in the field of our work.