Netzkraft Movement

Child Advocacy Organisation (CAO)

Nsem Bafut
Bafut Sub Division, Mezam Division

Contact person: Che Melvian

+(237) 675 114-131; +237 6 50 50 81 73


  • Aid organization
  • Educational policy/project
  • Social policy/disabled persons
  • Volunteers are welcome.

About us

Child Advocacy Organisation (CAO) was founded in 2011 by young youths, natives of Bafut, citizen of Cameroon. It is a humanitarian and development organization. CAO is a Cameroon based non-profit organization. CAO aim to promote,protect and enhance the wellbeing of children infected or affected by HIV/AIDS, needy orphans, trafficked children, street children, children abused, neglected, and children suffering from hunger and drug abuse. For now, we work in the North West Region of Cameroon.

We have as a vision and mission to protect, promote and ensure the well being of children.

• Fight against child rights abuse
• To identify and provide multiform assistance to underprivileged and vulnerable children with love;
• To provide home based care to underprivileged and the vulnerable in our society.
• To create awareness of the existence of child trafficking and child exploitation in Bafut and beyond.

• Education
• Health
• Capacity Building
• Human Right
• Rehabilitation and Reinsertion
• Advocacy

• Identification of underprivileged and vulnerable children;
• Temporal placement in a safe retreat facility for those who need one;
• Provision of multiform assistance to underprivileged and vulnerable members of our society.
• Raise the needed funds through membership contributions, donations and revenue generated from IGA
• Network and collaborate with local, national and international NGO’S and any other organization sharing the same vision.

• Sensitization on prevention, care and support to the underprivileged and vulnerable in our society;
• Material, financial and psychosocial support to underprivileged and vulnerable especially children;
• Rehabilitation and reinsertion of underprivileged and vulnerable children;
• Income generating activities (IGA);
• Training workshops/ seminars;
• Vocational training in preparation for responsible life;
• Liaison with other services and stakeholders

Che Melvian is the President of Child Advocacy Organisation (CAO).

For other net participants we can offer an expert guidance through trained staff, give an expert opinion, procure expert information and establish new contacts in the field of our work.