Movimiento Netzkraft

EMIKWANO – Freundschaft mit Uganda e.V.

Fuldaer Straße 34 b
36160 Dipperz

Persona de contacto: Katharina Möller

+49 157 53403399

Áreas temáticas

  • Organización de apoyo
  • Política / Proyecto de educación
  • Ayudantes voluntarios serán bienvenidos.

Sobre nosotros

EMIKWANO is a word in the Ugandan language meaning "friends".
The connection to Uganda was established in 2010 through a nine-month stay of the then 20-year-old Katharina Möller. The many experiences and the positive development of the German-Ugandan cooperation over the last few years allowed us to give our activities an orderly legal framework by founding a non-profit association. On November 20, 2017, the association “EMIKWANO - Friendship with Uganda“, which uses school sponsorships to give children an education and thus a chance for a better future, was founded.

The purpose of the association is to support education, secondary and vocational training, the promotion of public health care and to support certain individuals.
Our goals are achieved in particular by promoting the schooling and education of needy children and adolescents in Uganda by financing the costs of school attendance, such as school fees, school uniforms, food, teaching materials, possibly accommodation, travel, medication and other costs.
The purpose is also achieved through projects that are carried out according to the principle of “helping people to help themselves” in close cooperation with the local population and their representative bodies.

• Agricultural projects: 4 chicken and 4 pig farms - The financial proceeds from the projects benefit the sponsored families directly. EMIKWANO will support and expand the promising projects with a further € 4,000 (money for concentrated feed, vaccinations of the animals, expansion of the stables).

Katharina Möller is the 1st chairwoman of EMIKWANO - Friendship with Uganda

On request, we can provide advice to other net participants, give a presentation, and provide up-to-date specialist information and contacts in the field of our work.