Netzkraft Movement

Kwa Moyo - Hilfe mit Herz für Kinder in Uganda e.V.

c/o Christine Camara, Hartmannstr. 84
91052 Erlangen

Contact person: Christine Camara

+49 1520 2689361


  • Aid organization
  • Educational policy/project
  • Volunteers are welcome.

About us

We are a young organisation which is still being set up but already officially certified as charitable. "Kwa moyo" is Swahili language and means "with heart". Thus it cannot be translated verbally, as the word "moyo" also stands for "soul/spirit" or "feeling".

Building the “Kwa Moyo Children’s Village & Education Center” for orphaned and semi-orphaned children in Uganda – that is our vision!

For several years we have been thinking about how and where in East Africa we could actualise our own project. Ever and anon we came up with new ideas whilst other considerations were condemned.
After due consideration and investigation together with some Ugandan friends about whether and how our vision could be implemented into a concrete project in Uganda we have founded the organisation Kwa moyo Steinweiler on January 2013. We have founded the Ugandan organisation "Kwa Moyo – empowering children with help from the heart" in Kampala on April 2013. A few days later we made the first payment for the plot in Bwikhasa Village in Bukiende Sub County where the Education Center will be built.
After joint consideration of the Ugandan Team and the German Team we will henceforth plan, construct and run:
• A school for orphaned and semi-orphaned children in the region Mbale.
• 4 or 5 foster homes, where about 16 orphans live with a "mom" like a family
• A Training School for skilled crafts and trades
• A farm in order to provide the school´s own requirements as well as to educate young people as farmers and to generate income by selling excessive production.
• A guesthouse on the farm in order to educate young people in gastronomy and hotel business as well as to achieve further income (this will, however, be realized much later)
• The Charity Home, the children´s home in Jinja where 19 children are living t the moment. We will provide school fees and we want to provide for their livelihood as well.

Mara Bossert is the Chairman of Kwa moyo e.V..

For other net participants we can offer an expert guidance through trained staff, give an expert opinion, procure expert information and establish new contacts in the field of our work.

Bauvorbereitung . . Fertigstellung des Unterstandes und Lagerraumes
Lieferung des ersten Wassertanks
so wird unsere *Kwa Moyo Primary School* aussehen
das werden die *Kwa Moyo foster homes* in denen jeweils 16 Waisenkinder mit einer *Mama* zusammenleben
der Vereinsvorstand mit den Kids des *Charity homes*
ein weiterer Besuch im *Charity home*
Treffen der Grundbesitzer Vereinigung, des Verbandsgemeinde- und des Gemeinderates auf unserem Grundstück
Grundstücksbegehung mit Nachbarn, Vorsitzenden der Grundstückseigentümer-Vereinigung und anderen um die Grundstücksgrenzen zu bestätigen