Movimiento Netzkraft

Internationaler Versöhnungsbund e.V.

Deutscher Zweig

Schwarzer Weg 8
32423 Minden

Persona de contacto:

+49 571-850875
+49 571-8292387

Áreas temáticas

  • Política social/Discapacitados
  • Derechos humanos
  • Política para la Paz
  • Ayudantes voluntarios serán bienvenidos.

Sobre nosotros

The association for reconciliation is a community of people who stand up for freedom from violence in personal, social and political life. Our members oppose any directly exercised as well as all existing kinds of structural violence. Respect for life and human dignity join us together.

The association for reconciliation is an international peace association that was founded by Christians in the spirit of the Sermon on the Mount. Except for Christians, it also unites members of other world religions as well as people without any religious bonds, who trust and rely on the effectiveness and changing power of love and truth.

Since World War One branches of the international association of reconciliation developed on all continents and in almost all West European countries.

This worldwide movement is working in diverse sectors for a world without violence and stands up for disarmament, for the human rights, for a safe environment, for violent-free changes.

At present, the German branch of the association for reconciliation is working among other things on the following subjects: export of armaments, boycott of armament taxation, international meeting and understanding, conscientious objection, training for violent-free acting, hostility to foreigners, patriarchal structures of society, unemployment and violent-free economy, religious anarchism.

The office of the association for reconciliation publishes comments on current events in society, politics and the Church. During the annual conference the keypoints of the work are determined, different threads are tied together and controversial subjects are dealt with.

Events, actions and initiatives referring to a lot of topics are organized in the regional associations. For example, education and meeting programmes are offered to train freedom from violence. The circular letters "Versöhnung" (reconciliation) as well as "gewaltfreie aktion" (violence-free action) which inform about theory and practice of violence-free politics appear quarterly.