
Tanzania Youths Behavioral Change Organization (TAYOBECO)

Minazini Street
14107 Mwananyamala A, Makumbusho ward, Kinondoni District, Dar es Salaam Region

Kontaktperson: Shida Kabulunge

+255 713725249


  • Hilfsorganisation
  • Bildungspolitik/-projekt
  • Sozialpolitik/behinderte Menschen

Über uns

Tanzania Youths Behavioral Change Organization (TAYOBECO) is a grassroots Non-Governmental Organization established in 2019 and officially registered on 28th January 2020 under NGOs Act No. 24 of 2002 given Registration No. 00NGO/R/0962 to operate in Tanzania Mainland and dedicated to empowering Tanzanian youth and fostering sustainable development. TAYOBECO is located at Minazini Street, Mwanayamala A, Makumbusho ward in Kinondoni District – Dar es Salaam Region. Our interventions scale from local, national to the global level in accordance to sustainable development goals through capacity building, policy analysis, and advocacy.

To see Tanzania youths living in good health, lead, have stable livelihoods and promote gender equality.

To provide capacity development, sensitize youth access to better health services, promote gender equality among youth and engage young men and women in global issues for sustainable development.

Focus areas
• Health
• Livelihood
• Gender Equality
• Leadership and Good governance
• Climate Resilience

Our objectives
• Provide comprehensive health education and services to youth and adolescent focusing on reproductive health, HIV/AIDS prevention, and mental well-being.
• Equip youth with livelihood skills through entrepreneurship programs, and access to microfinance opportunities.
• Promote gender equality through advocating for gender-based violence (GBV) and empower young women and girls to become agents of change in their communities.
• To promote civic participation and engagement among young people and the implementation of National policies.
• To raise awareness among young people about the causes and effects of climate change, and the importance of sustainable practices in daily life.

• Tenofovir, Lamivudine, Dolutegravir (TLD): To raise awareness about the transition to Tenofovir, Lamivudine, Dolutegravir (TLD) as the primary first-line therapy and enhance treatment literacy based on current ART service guidelines for individuals living with HIV in the Dar es Salaam Region.
• Community Led Monitoring (CLM): To enhance the quality of HIV care and treatment services through a community-led monitoring project among people living with HIV in the Mwanga District, Kilimanjaro Region.
• Boresha Habari: To enhance youth and women engagement in COVID-19 vaccination uptake through the “Boresha Habari” project in Mpanda Municipal, Katavi region.
• Kijana Mkakati: To facilitate job creation opportunities for youth in Makumbusho, Kijitonyama, and Mwananyamala Wards of Kinondoni District, Dar es Salaam, over a two-year period from 2022 to 2023. The initiative includes capacity development and support in accessing soft loans (4-4-2) from the Local Government to establish and expand businesses. Ten youth groups have been recruited and are receiving assistance to establish and develop their businesses.
• Youth Health Talks (YOHETA): To implement the ‘Youth Health Talks (YOHETA) program’, an innovative initiative targeting youth aged 15-35 years, both in and out of school. This program aims to promote healthy behavior, enhance health knowledge and skills, and improve access to health services through online and offline platforms. Additionally, YOHETA focuses on developing business skills and income generation activities among youth, fostering long-term self-sustainability.

Shida Kabulunge is the Executive Director of Tanzania Youths Behavioral Change Organization (TAYOBECO).

For other net participants we can offer an expert guidance through trained staff, give an expert opinion, procure expert information and establish new contacts in the field of our work.