Netzkraft Movement

Waampa Children's Development Foundation (WCDF)

P.O BOX 1341; Plot 2 , Lwansunu road, Walukuba-East

Contact person: Michael Waako

+256700125563; +256704475160; +256778975594


  • Aid organization
  • Educational policy/project
  • Social policy/disabled persons
  • Volunteers are welcome.

About us

Waampa Children’s Development Foundation (WCDF) is a NGO, based in Jinja – Uganda, determined to support vulnerable Children in attaining basic needs and creating development opportunities that alleviate poverty.
Waampa Elderly Ministries - Determined to support vulnerable elderly people in attaining basic needs, building shelters and creating development opportunities that alleviate poverty.
Waampa Volunteer Program - Making great impact through volunteering to the needy children and elderly people, working together and giving opportunity to everyone to get involved.

Meeting the basic needs of the vulnerable in the community that is to say Vulnerable children, elderly people and teenage mothers.

Our Mission
Supporting vulnerable children, teenage mothers and elderly people in attaining their basic need by creating development opportunities that alleviate poverty.

Focus areas:
• Stop hunger
• Safe water
• Education
• Supporting girl child
• Employment
• Health

• Feeding program: Feeding the vulnerable children and elderly making sure no one goes hungry, thus stopping hunger providing nutritious food that prevents diseases.
• Education Program: Education can strengthen significant improvements in the lives of vulnerable children, we provide education facilities and school fees to vulnerable children.
• Skills Training program: We provide skills training to vulnerable children and teenage mothers, like tailoring, weaving, catering, agriculture to create employment opportunities.

Michael Waako is the Founder and Director of Waampa Children's Development Foundation (WCDF).

For other net participants we can offer an expert guidance through trained staff, give an expert opinion, procure expert information and establish new contacts in the field of our work.