Nitya Bal Vikas Deutschland e. V.
Am Südhang 8
84076 Pfeffenhausen
Contact person: Benjamin Scholz
+49 (0)157 57106614
- Educational policy/project
- Aid for developing countries
- Aid organization
- Volunteers are welcome.
About us
Nitya Bal Vikas Germany was founded by 7 students in June 2015. We had all completed a one-year voluntary service in various Indian aid organisations.
Together we want to use the experience gathered there to step up assistance to the local people. Our partner organization in India, the Nitya Bal Vikas Society, was launched by Indian friends in December, 2014. Now we want to support the local people directly in their daily lives by combined actions in India and Germany and bringing in new, innovative and effective projects.
• Introduction of MutliGradeMultiLevel-methodology in govt. primary schools in Bihar (planned)
• Production of sanitary napkins by tribal women in Rajasthan (planned)
• Emergency relief for homeless people in Delhi (done)
Benjamin Scholz is the Vice President of Nitya Bal Vikas Germany.
On request we can offer other net participants advice, give a presentation, and provide up-to-date information and contacts in the field of our work.