Netzkraft Movement

Asociación Malota Mantha

Gabriel Miro 358, casa 2, Banfield, Lomas de Zamora
Buenos Aires, 1828

Contact person: Zarco Nelida del Carmen

+54 (0)11-4-2868067 (referente)


  • Aid organization
  • Human rights
  • Social policy/disabled persons

About us

We have been quietly working since 1999, lobbying for anything with a positive impact on in public good in rural areas, for the most disadvantaged groups, for the environment, health, human rights etc.

It is our mission to help schools, rural communities in various parts of the Salavina district, in the Santiago del Estero Province in Argentina.

Our help is not just supportive: we also work towards various objectives, eg. the creation of organic vegetable gardens, the building of rainwater storage depots, water pumps for destitute families, the establishment of cultural and educational centres in the community.

The people we help live in slum housing in extreme poverty. Most of the families do not even have a latrine. They have no income, they live from arable farming, from animal husbandry, and they help at the annual harvest of maize, sunflowers, cotton etc.

On request we can offer other net participants: advice, lectures, up-to-date information, help with contacts in our field of work.