Movimiento Netzkraft

AYA - Support Ghana

Georg-Deuschle Straße 84
73730 Esslingen

Persona de contacto: Esra Aras

Áreas temáticas

  • Política / Proyecto de educación
  • Ayuda para países en vías de desarrollo
  • Organización de apoyo
  • Ayudantes voluntarios serán bienvenidos.

Sobre nosotros

The term AYA comes from the Adinkra symbolic language. The symbolism behind AYA stands for perseverance, independence, and ingenuity.
Our team consists of motivated young people. AYA has been created after a student project in Ghana where, among other things, biodigester toilets were built for a rural community. The general improvement in living conditions encouraged us and led to the desire to pursue our commitment. We have been a non-profit organisation since 2022 and act out of pure conviction.

In cooperation with our partner organisation, Millennium Impacts LBG, we implement projects in Ghana to ensure decent living standards and school infrastructure in communities. Our focus is on sustainability, a long-term perspective and close dialogue. The aim is to provide people with the best possible support in terms of their needs and interests.

The extension of a school building at St Anthony Catholic Basic School in Ekumpoano (Ekumfi District, Central Region), Ghana. The number of schoolchildren in Ekumpoano continues to increase every school year and the capacity of the local school no longer fulfils the demand. The extension of the school building will ensure an appropriate class size and a suitable learning environment for pupils.
Thanks to the " Stifte Spenden " (Donate pens) campaign organised by Camerloherstrasse Primary School in Ismaning (Germany), school materials such as exercise books and pens were donated and handed over to the school during the last visit.

For other net participants we can offer an expert guidance through trained staff, give an expert opinion, procure expert information and establish new contacts in the field of our work.