Movimiento Netzkraft

Takshila Education

3034 Redington Woods Road
Ohio 43615 Toledo
Estados Unidos

Persona de contacto: Rajesh Kumar

+1 706-829-2876; +1 762-233-1668

Áreas temáticas

  • Organización de apoyo
  • Política / Proyecto de educación
  • Ayudantes voluntarios serán bienvenidos.

Sobre nosotros

Takshila Education is an award-winning non-profit organization that was established in Augusta, Georgia in 2012. We help to reduce the high school dropout rate for students in Georgia and South Carolina through our free tutoring program, and assist students to excel in STEM subjects. Takshila Education is also involved in building one vocational institute and high school in a rural village in India. Teachers from this school will also help students with this project and will be available 24 hours a day in order to support more students.

Our mission is to bring world class education to underprivileged children in order to improve the socioeconomic scenario of the society and to develop self sustaining economic opportunities. We use 100% donor´s funds on the project. There are no administrative expenses. All funds go to the project and can be monitored anytime. All members of our organization are volunteers. We are dedicated to honesty and transparency in our organization; we aspire to bring world-level education to the door step of this rural area and meet the need for educational opportunities.

• Takshila US Project: Takshila Education is a registered non profit organization. Most tutors who support this project are already teaching in county schools. They are licensed and hold master´s degrees in the subject they will teach.
• Takshila India Project: Takshila Education is registered in India in 2012 and also registered with UN.” Registration . About the School (project): Takshila Institute is located 90 km from the nation´s capital, New Delhi. Village Abidpura donated ten acres of land for the construction of this school. There is a lack of quality education in the area and our goal is to provide the area with a role model school. The school will provide education from Kindergarten through Secondary grade levels, serving a total of 3000 students who will study in three shifts. Buildings will be constructed with an area of 140,000 square feet and will contain: Kindergarten/Primary School; Middle School; High/Secondary School; Special Children Education; School Library; Vocational Training Center; Physical Training Center, Athletics (Sports field and Stadium); Rural Economic Zone- Periphery; Family Health Center-Periphery; Environmental Education Center of Excellence - Water Shed, Indigenous Plants and Bio studies; Community Center; Kitchen/Dining – Catering to 500 students at a time, doubles up as Community; Kitchen Center; Media Center-FM Radio Station; Transportation Facility

Rajesh Kumar is the Founder of Takshila Education.

For other net participants we can offer an expert guidance through trained staff, give an expert opinion, procure expert information and establish new contacts in the field of our work.