Figurentheater für Kinderrechte
Hermann - Hesse-Str. 34
76189 Karlsruhe
Personne de contact: Ruth Rahaeuser
+49 (0)721 / 57 27 10, Mobil: 0163/ 38 07 300
+49 (0)721 / 957 32 38
Les Thèmes
- Aide pour des pays en voie de dévellopement
- Droits de l'Homme
- Politique + projet d'éducation
Qui sommes-nous
The ONE-WORLD-THEATRE tells stories about children in the third world.
Ruth Rahaeuser is a drama educator. Her puppet plays are about:
child labour, street children, children at war, refugees, natural disasters and the importance of drinking water, about disablement, AIDS, fair production and the importance of education for every child.
The plays, supplemented by lively discussions, presentations and exhibitions, enrich the education of children from kindergarten up to 10th year and increase their awareness of children’s rights – here, too!
On request, we can offer other net participants a consultation, make a presentation and provide contacts in the field of our work. Further possible ways of support – performances at festivities, action days, project presentations, meetings etc.