Mouvement Netzkraft

Econexiones Unidas

19 rue Lamothe - Les Metrelles
17100 Saintes (France)

Personne de contact: Bayron Estuardo Velásquez Ramírez, Eva Maria Dautry Autin

+502 45924456; +502 78308218; +33 663817453(France)

Les Thèmes

  • Organisation de l'environnement
  • Politique + projet d'éducation
  • Projet d'environnement
  • Bénévoles sont les bienvenus.

Qui sommes-nous

The concept of Econexiones Unidas originated in January 2009 and eventually led to the founding of the Guatemalan/French NGO of the same name.

The basis is a holistic vision, in the face of the necessity of linking up with other organisations in order to achieve rational human development. We have to maintain and strengthen those things which bond us with nature, with the aim of investing our actions with greater coherence, more sustainability and effectiveness in the light of present and future global challenges.
Econexiones Unidasis an eco-social organisation with Franco-Guatemalan origins, which is dedicated to alternative communication and environmental education in favour of sustainable development. We work with various community groups in Guatemala, which we coordinate through the network “Eco-actores” (Eco actors) on the internet. In the field of environment education, we run workshops, further education courses, eco-educational games etc.. Parallel to this, we carry out initiatives relating to fair/green trade and sustainable eco-tourism, which present development opportunities allowing life in harmony with nature.
Paramount global challenges:
• Climate change
• The drying up of natural resources
• Environmental pollution
• Socio-economic injustice and the loss of cultural identity
• Eco-consciousness: here we encourage various means of communication e.g. environmental psychology, or art which serves to spread eco-awareness. We work on sensitivity towards the signs of our times, natural signals, and also on an analysis of our behaviour, in order to advance a better attitude to the evolution of our planet and of mankind.
• The concept of Econexiones Unidas: This is based on the approach of sustainable development (Bruntland-Report). The fundamental objective is to pass on our social, economic, political and environmental aims to future generations.
• The concept of eco-actors: An eco-actor is someone who through his activities, services or projects deals responsibly in relation to the environment, cultural identity, socio-economic development and governability.
• The concept of eco-projects: An eco-project is supervised by an eco-actor who shares our outlook on sustainable development in its daily and local implementation. Thus an eco-project combines the conditions which provide for environmental protection, appreciation of cultural identity and the creation of local socio-economic development in the context of local governability and democracy.

Project topics which we support:
• Water management
• Soil and forest management
• Renewable energy management
• Waste disposal management

On request we can provide support in the following areas: sustainable development, environment education, communication.
Further support: we wish to cooperate with anyone who shares our love of nature and who can support us in the following ways:
• voluntary service
• sponsorship of eco-actors
• sponsorship of an eco-education initiative (workshop or eco-game) or of a school or local facility
• a donation
• a report on our organisation on their website

Creación de rotulo informativo y logo de la cooperativa AJSAMAJEL, coordinada por mujeres indígenas lideres del lago de Atitlan, Guatemala.
Creación de basurero reciclado con botellas de plástico durante la campaña de sensibilización ambiental en la comunidad Bribri, Costa Rica.
Niñas de una comunidad indígena en Guatemala
Hijo de una de las mujeres indígenas lideres de la cooperativa ADEMVI, en el lago de Atitlan. (miembros de la red de Eco actores)
Voluntaria de Econexiones Unidas que trabajo con los grupos de mujeres indígenas en Guatemala
: Realización del juego de educación ambiental Pachamama con un centro educativo en Francia.
Realización del juego de educación ambiental Pachamama en la fundación/hogar Nuestros Pequeños Hermanos, Guatemala
Niña capacitada en reciclaje artesanal en la biblioteca de San Juan la laguna, Guatemala.
Campaña de limpieza con voluntarios de Econexiones Unidas en el volcán Atitlan
Eco juegos de sensibilización ambiental en la comunidad de Copalaa, Guatemala
Ceremonia para la iniciación del proyecto de construcción ecologica del colegio LISI, en el lago de Atitlan, Guatemala.
Realizacion de muro ecológico con Ecoladrillos (con botellas de plástico)