Ärztinnen und Ärzte für eine gesunde Umwelt (ÄGU)
Große Mohrengasse 39/6
1020 Wien
Personne de contact: Hanns Moshammer
+43 (0)1-216 34 22
+43 (0)1-403 96 40
Les Thèmes
- Politique + projet d'éducation
- Politique sociale/hommes handicapés
- Organisation de l'environnement
Qui sommes-nous
Founded in 1989 and arising out of the association “Doctors Opposed to Transit” ("Ärzte gegen den Transit"), the ÄGU is the Austrian branch of the ISDE (International Society of Doctors for the Environment). We are a non-party association of doctors campaigning on environmental protection issues as seen from a medical standpoint.
Subject areas:
Transit lunacy, greenhouse effect, harmful substances indoors, genetic engineering and foodstuffs, air pollutants, ecological guidelines for hospitals and doctors’ practices, factory farming and animal protection, ecological / social responsibility of doctors and the increasing destruction of the natural foundation of our existence.
• Teaching doctors and the general public about the connection between ecological and health issues.
• As doctors, we do not want merely to repair damage. It is important to us to help to create suitable conditions for a healthy life and wellbeing.
• Ecological issues demand interdisciplinary cooperation. We also address ourselves to social, economic and political questions.
• Healthy economic activities: a product can only be called healthy when it is not only harmless for the consumer but also environment-friendly in its production, distribution and disposal,
• Prevention: stronger orientation of health policies towards prevention and a greater consideration of health and environmental aspects in political decision making. .
• development of concrete implementation and change strategies. We want to go “from knowledge to trade”.
• in order to implement our aims, we work closely with politicians, authorities, lobbyists, citizens’ initiatives, and environmental protection organisations.
• publicity work in the form of discussions, press conferences, articles in the press, information stands.
• Organisation of lectures, congresses and further education events.
• cooperation and common activities with the ISDE (International Society of Doctors for the Environment), the worldwide umbrella organisation of doctors working towards a healthy environment.
• participation in congresses and the presentation of scientific papers.
• quarterly newsletter "OEKOBIOTIKUM": contains regular reports on our activities and articles on topical subjects and is sent to members of “Doctors for a Healthy Environment” and other interested parties.
• we advocate our concerns publicly and thus seek direct contact with the people.
Hanns Moshammer is the co-president of ISDE-Austria (Ägu).
On request we can offer other net participants advice, give a presentation, and provide up to date information and contacts in the field of our work.