Mouvement Netzkraft

Zivilcourage für ALLE e.V.

Lena-Christ-Weg 5
85649 Brunnthal

Personne de contact: Susanne Singer

+49 (0)89/12096471

Les Thèmes

  • Politique + projet d'éducation

Qui sommes-nous

The association “Civil courage for everyone” provides information about civil courage behaviour and actions and actively promotes them with specific training aimed at target groups. We want to enable all interested citizens to gain knowledge about civil courage and to behave competently in critical situations. It is not about risky heroic deeds: In our training courses we teach how to act in emergency situations without endangering yourself. We want to remind people of the basic democratic values of our society and encourage them to live by them. They should be able to contribute to de-escalating situations in everyday life, using decisive small steps.

For Mira Pouresmeili, the trigger for the founding of the association on May 12, 2010 was the death of Dominik Brunner on September 12, 2009. He had shown civil courage, intervened in a conflict at the Solln S-Bahn station and tragically died as a result of the injuries he sustained.

Our training
• Our civil courage training courses provide a wide range of options for action, in which knowledge for practical use is taught, and personal skills are built up. The main focus is on practical exercises. Short impulse presentations convey the basic knowledge, which is then applied in playful exercises. This encourages self-reflection and deepens the newly acquired knowledge.
• Action competence requires more than theory. Therefore, appropriate behaviour is developed using film sequences with specific dangerous situations, role plays and mental simulations, which help to show civil courage in typical emergency situations without endangering oneself.

Susanne Singer is the managing director of Civil Courage for Everyone.

By arrangement, we can provide advice on the topic for other network participants, hold lectures, and provide current specialist information and contacts.