Mouvement Netzkraft

Anjita Child Development Foundation (ACDF)

P.O.Box 20679

Personne de contact: Janeth Malela

+255 753351910

Les Thèmes

  • Organisation d'aide
  • Politique + projet d'éducation

Qui sommes-nous

Anjita Child Development Foundation (ACDF) is a non-profit organization operating in Tanzania mainland. Has been registered by The Ministry of Health, Community Development, Gender, Elderly and Children under Non Government Organization Act No 24/2002.

A better environment for child growth, development and utilization of their full potentials

Improving quality of vulnerable child lives through improving their early education, health, protection, nutrition by implementing right and need based approaches.

• To strengthen and advocate for Early Childhood Development program in accordance with the expectations of relevant policies, guidelines, plans and international standards.
• Promoting research and studies on Early Childhood Development in urban and rural settings for child potentials
• Improving enabling environment for the child inclusion, discovery and development of children’s talents with consideration of ICT, innovation, sports and games.
• Work, collaborate and network with development stakeholders, governments, donors, multinationals and related for strengthening ECD services.

• Anjita Child Development Foundation implement early childhood development (ECD) capacity strengthening project in 6 regions namely; Pwani, Kilimanjaro, Arusha, Rukwa, Njombe, Mtwara regions which focused in advocating and provision of community awareness on ECD.
• Anjita established one child learning centre in Kibaha District as service deliver to the community. The centre focused in promoting early learning and play, Also parents meet together for parenting education sessions. Currently the child learning centre have 20 children under five years and 27 parents/ caregivers meet monthly for parenting sessions coordinated by Anjita in collaboration with government.

Janeth Malela is the Managing Director of Anjita Child Development Foundation (ACDF).

For other net participants we can offer an expert guidance through trained staff, give an expert opinion, procure expert information and establish new contacts in the field of our work.