Mouvement Netzkraft

Serene Haven Rescue Centre

Serene Haven Centre, Nyeri-Nyahururu Road,
Kiawara, Nyeri

Personne de contact: Elizabeth Wanjiru Muriuki

+254 706 712292

Les Thèmes

  • Politique + projet d'éducation
  • Politique sociale/hommes handicapés
  • Organisation d'aide

Qui sommes-nous

Serene Haven Kenya is an organization aimed at giving equal opportunities to teenage mothers in the areas of education, skills development and employment. Data indicates that there are at least 150,000 teenage, mostly school going get pregnant every year. These girls risk exclusion from the socio-economic landscape since most are unlikely to continue with their education.
Serene Haven Kenya was established in January and registered in July of 2019 as a community-based organization. We believe that teenage mothers and their babies, both born and unborn deserve to reach the highest level of self, social and professional development. We work to make this ideal come true. The organizational office is located at the Serene Haven Centre, Nyeri along the Nyeri-Nyahururu road, 41Km from Nyeri town.

Our objectives:
• To provide social and economic development and opportunities for vulnerable and marginalized populations in our communities in general and specifically to teenage mothers, adolescents living with disabilities, street families and survivors of sexual gender based violence.
• To work for uplifting the status of women and girls in our communities. To work for gender equity and equal opportunity and to fight all negative gender norms that hinder women empowerment.
• To fight rural poverty and the resultant social problems. Our goal is to see increased income, savings, productivity and household development in rural areas.

What we do:
• The Serene Haven Rescue Centre: A rescue centre for vulnerable teenage mothers in need of care and protection that offers shelter, nutrition, security, safety, healthcare and psychosocial support.
• The Serene Haven Girls Secondary School and Education Program: The first ever boarding school for teenage mothers that admits both mother and baby. in the school, we have
• Msichana Shujaa Program: A program that facilitates access to justice for children who have undergone sexual abuse through facilitating their appearance in court and access to pro-bono legal services.
• Fight Against the Triple Threat in Teenager Living with Disabilities (FATTTLID): Through this program, we reach adolescents, their guardians, teachers and caregivers with messaging on the triple threat of gender-based violence, adolescent pregnancies and new HIV infections.
• Serene Outreach Program: We have reached out to at least 15,000 adolescents, young men and women in primary schools, secondary schools and tertiary institutions in Kenya and sensitized them on the triple threat.
• PROPEL Agroforestry Sub-Project!: PROPEL aims to promote the economic and social inclusion of over 5,000 marginalized small-scale farmers in rural Kenya.
• PROPEL Water Project!: Serene Haven aims to promote economic and social inclusion for marginalized small-scale farmers in rural Kenya by providing access to water for domestic use, livestock watering, and irrigation.

• The first ever boarding school for teenage mothers in the world that admits motherand baby
• A rescue centre for homeless teenage mothers in need of care and protection
• Rescue and placement of children who are survivors of SGBV
• Facilitation of access to justice for children who have undergone abuse
• Counselling and psychosocial support of girls who are survivors of GBV
• A vigorous outreach program on the adolescents sexual and reproductive health for teenage girls in the slums.
• Sensitization of girls in slums and in rural areas of Nyeri on ways to protect themselves from SGBV and to learn to seek and pursue justice when their rights are violated.
• A school/ centre farm for the students’/ other client’s nutritional needs

Elizabeth Wanjiru Muriuki is the Executive Director of Serene Haven Kenya.

For other net participants we can offer an expert guidance through trained staff, give an expert opinion, procure expert information and establish new contacts in the field of our work.