Mouvement Netzkraft

Panaga Organization for Education

Shariya Collective
Zip code 42001, Duhok Province, Kurdistan

Personne de contact: Zirak H. Abdo

+964 (750) 7469117; +964 750 824 8912

Les Thèmes

  • Politique + projet d'éducation
  • Politique sociale/hommes handicapés
  • Organisation d'aide

Qui sommes-nous

Panaga (Haven in English) is an educational organization to serve displaced, poor and marginalized people through education and providing resources.

Panaga tries to enable communities to progress through creating chances and building hope for a better future.

• Education enlightens minds that help to resist and dispel the darkness that communities feel descending on them. Resiliency
• Education provides people that they were worth imagining something bigger than themselves and chasing it. Education gave them the resources, power and the motivation to do so. Empowerment
• Education offered a perspective that looked to future change and success rather than current problems. hope

Who we are
• We are a group of Yazidi youth, we are here to promote and provide education that leads to effective engagement across regional borders. We work to create chances, make hope and enlighten dark paths.
• We champion kids because we see them as the future generation, we notice the direct correlation to changing trajectories, empowering families, and building communities.
• We are a dedicated to help people in need no matter who they are and where they come from. We have been supported and encouraged by those who we worked with. We intend to be change makers by providing quality educational opportunities for kids, youth, teachers, and schools around the region.

What we do
• Panaga is a team of local teachers and psychologists that are investing their love and care, time, knowledge in the betterment of their community. In a region that is torn up by wars that are increasingly pouring darkness, despair, and a perpetual victimhood, Panaga team is committed to fight for something different.
• Mental and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) is a fundamental need of refugee and internally displaced kids due to the ongoing traumatic condition and the background history. All Panaga programs include activities of psych education and highlight participants’ emotional and social wellbeing.
• Art and play therapy: Panaga is a place where the kids practice their creativity, dance, sing, play, and draw and make crafts. Tools that kids and their parents practice to learn, celebrate culture, heal and have fun.
• Character building: The team shares stories, plays games and makes lessons that develop students’ character, self-esteem, self-confidence, interpersonal, social and communication skills.
• Literacy and Language Learning: The mother and fathers learn how to read and write in Kurdish and Arabic, the kids take Basic English language lessons.
• Community Reintegration: Fostering family ties, building connections and gathering the community plays a significant role in Panaga programs. Panaga holds community events, family gathering, field trips, pop-up schools and home to home visits. These practices reinforce the impact of Panaga’s work, embrace different community individuals and celebrate the program achievements with all community members.
• Empowerment, Development and Livelihood: Panaga outlines plans that provide programs targeting youth and young adults, for whom there are often fewer programs and opportunities. As he immediately rising generation, teens and young adults at Panaga are equipped to enter conversations of peace,

Zirak H. Abdo is the Founder and Program Manager of Panaga - Organization for Education.

For other net participants we can offer an expert guidance through trained staff, give an expert opinion, procure expert information and establish new contacts in the field of our work.