Mouvement Netzkraft

Rachi Action for Healthcare Initiatives (RAHI)

P.o Box 127513; Bussi Trading Centre,

Personne de contact: Patrick Ntege Walusimbi

+256 200 966 610

Les Thèmes

  • Politique + projet d'éducation
  • Politique sociale/hommes handicapés
  • Projet d'environnement
  • Bénévoles sont les bienvenus.

Qui sommes-nous

Rachi Action for Healthcare Initiatives (RAHI) is a not-for-profit organization which was established in 2020. There were so many problems and challenges pertaining to poor health particularly on the landing sites of Lake Victoria and the surrounding islands of Bussi Island and sub counties. Our long-standing desire is to support the underprivileged and disadvantaged members of society. In the past we have implemented HIV/AIDs prevention campaigns, computer training for girls and boys in high schools, bag making training for school dropouts and the unemployed and we have successfully accomplished the projects to completion.

To develop sustainable health programs that will improve the well-being hence a productive society.

We are working towards a healthy prosperous future.

The overall goal of the proposed project is to assist in the enhancement of the social, health and economic development of the population in Busii Island through improved health living conditions and livelihood. The purpose of this project will be to assist the Ministry of Health, and other non-governmental organizations in Bussi Island to strengthen and expand the delivery of health-related services.

What we do?
• Charity for HIV/AID's: HIV care treatment and awareness to Bussi Community is the only way to reduce on its spread in this region.
• Menstrual Hygiene Management: We aim at raising awareness about the need for adequate and sufficient menstrual hygiene management.
• Livelihood: We encourage farming and agriculture to the people of Bussi Island by supplying them with crop seedlings.
• Bringing Clean Water: Giving Clean Water to Bussi Island Community for a lifetime with our sustainable WASH project.
• Environment Protection: Conserving biological diversity and enhance social welfare by promoting innovative and sustainable environmental management.
• Vocational Training and Education: Lets empower Bussi Women and Youth through skilling them in hands on education.

Patrick Ntege Walusimbi is the CEO of Rachi Action for Healthcare Initiatives (RAHI).

For other net participants we can offer an expert guidance through trained staff, give an expert opinion, procure expert information and establish new contacts in the field of our work.