International Higher Education Foundation (FESI)
Moctezuma 65, Centro
91000 Xalapa, Veracruz
Personne de contact: Cortes, Prof. Josue
+52 228 8 12 44 70
+52 228 8 12 44 70
Les Thèmes
- Politique de la paix
- Politique + projet d'éducation
Qui sommes-nous
The International Higher Education Foundation (FESI) is a non governmental organization. It was created in 1998 by a group of university people concerned about the growth and quality of education at all levels, especially higher education and its international dimension.
FESI works under the guidance of a board of directors and with the advice of an international council. It is financed by membership fees, through events, publications, consulting, and in-kind contributions. No single institution or the government provides its financing and for this reason it is an organization, that can provide independent opinions and actions.
FESI has a strategic plan 2000-2005, with programs and projects. Because of the limited resources throughout the world, it works with other institutions and organizations and moves forward by way of networks & consortia. In this manner it optimizes its operations and can achieve success with ambitious projects.
- to encourage greater understanding of education, science, technology and culture,
- organize to provide an international profile of individuals, organizations and institutions with strategies, that assist successful access to the new world context and at the same time develop a spirit of international solidarity,
- encourage the development of international cooperation to improve education, science, technology and culture,
- identify, develop and maintain networks of collaboration with all the countries of the world in order to intensify technical, cultural and academic interchange and contribute to a better understanding of the global society.
For other net participants we can offer an expert guidance through trained staff, procure an expert information, deliver a lecture and establish new contacts in the field of our work.